Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Books Read 2018

 Life is busy. I realized I've reached the point where while I am somebody who loves books, I don't find anywhere near as much time to actually read them as I'd like. I feel like recording the books I've read for the year both allows me to look back and remember what I enjoyed (and didn't), and also a goal to read more books the next year than the last.

What kept me going this past year, obviously, was a Discworld kick. A lot of these were re-reads and that's okay!

Snuff - Terry Pratchett

Guards Guards - Terry Pratchett

Men at Arms - Terry Pratchett

Feet of Clay - Terry Pratchett

Jingo - Terry Pratchett

Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett

Night Watch - Terry Pratchett

Thud - Terry Pratchett

Most of my Patients are Animals - R. Miller D.V.M.

Keystone - Peter Lovesey

Juniper - Monica Furlong

Wise Child - Monica Furlong

Captain Blood - Rafael Sabatini (Read on Gutenberg free online)