Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 14: As Tiny as possible

If you squint, you can see Eurasia and Africa?
I did this while looking through the lens of a magnifier, with a very fine-tip paintbrush. Unfortunately my camera just isn't up to photographing it very well. If you squint, you may be able to see Eurasia and Africa, and part of Australia. The Americas and Greenland are on the other side, but I did it all without looking at a real globe so the landmasses are all a little iffy. Considering the lack of detail at this size, I didn't see the point. I can't duplicate the coastline of Japan, for instance, when it's just a couple of dots. Still, I got some color in there, greens in the more appropriate areas and icecaps. This started as a blue bead, so maybe I'll make some jewelry out of it.

The tiniest thing I know of in a book is in 'A Wind in the Door', where the core of the plot involves mitochondria. I don't think much was known about them at the time the book was written, as the scientific explanation given isn't quite right. Mitochondria are real, though, and they're so tiny they live inside of our cells.
The story in this book hinges on the mitochondria within our cells, and a fictional organism even smaller than that called farandolae living inside the mitochondria. The point is to each of these living organisms, the organism it lives inside of is as big as the world is to us. Worlds within worlds, like nesting dolls, and possibly infinite. Who's to say there aren't so many levels of things bigger than us that we may be microscopic to something, somewhere out there.
Size, like everything else in reality, is relative. It's also important to remember that something so tiny, and organism within an organism within cells, is still vitally important.

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